С 06.09.2022 по 09.09.2022 Племенной птицеводческий репродуктор «Свердловский» провел семинар в Санкт- Петербурге для главных ветеринарных врачей и зоотехников Производственно- научной системы «Свердловская» им. Г.П. Грачевой» Тема семинара: «Пути эффективного использования родительских стад. Обеспечение племенной продукции хозяйств в условиях санкций» В работе семинара приняли участие эксперты компании «ISA Hendrix Genetics», - учёные ВНИТИП, специалисты ООО «ППР «Свердловский», сотрудники коммерческих организаций.
From June 18th until 21st, 2019; Sverdlovskiy, Pedigree Poultry Breeding Unit, held another seminar in Yekaterinburg for mid-level veterinarians under the title “Sverdlovsk Production and Scientific Systems named after G.P. Gracheva”.
The seminar was devoted to a relevant topic, Control of Infectious Diseases in Poultry. Drawing up effective preventive vaccination schemes in poultry farming.
On March 20th and 21st, 2019, Sverdlovsky Pedigree Poultry Breeding Unit held a seminar in Yekaterinburg for the mid-level livestock specialists of poultry enterprises. The event was dedicated to the technology of egg-laying hen keeping and feeding; and covered topics, such as, vitamin deficiency in chickens and vitamin preparations, energy demand for poultry, young-stock breeding, …etc.
Partners and customers were invited to the seminar, namely the representatives of the Russian farms and neighboring countries. The event gained international status. Among the participants, were the representatives of companies from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mongolia, and Tajikistan.
Mid-December, from Dec. 18th until Dec. 21st, 2018, a regular workshop for the mid-level veterinary specialists of egg-producing poultry farms was held in Yekaterinburg by Poultry Breeder Academy, BPR Sverdlovsky LLC and Boehringer Ingelheim in collaboration.
During the period of October 15th till 19th, 2018, the regular seminar for the chief livestock specialists and veterinarians for poultry egg farms was held in Sochi. The seminar highlighted the topic that “The Genetic Potential for 510 Eggs is a Reality”.
During April 10th -13th, 2018; Sverdlovskiy Pedigree Poultry Breeding Unit, with the support of Boehringer Ingelheim pharmaceutical company, held a scheduled training and practical seminar for veterinarians on the topic of “Actual Concerns for Egg-Laying Hens during Incubation”.
С 14 по 18 ноября 2017 года в г. Санкт-Петербурге проходил очередной семинар в рамках "Производственной научной системы имени Г.П. Грачевой" для главных зоотехников и ветеринарных врачей птицеводческих предприятий.